Recipes - Sauces - Tomato Chutney
2 lb ripe tomatoes (peeled and chopped)
1 lb finely chopped onions
12 chillies (chopped) or 50 g chilli powder or ½ each
1 lb sugar
1 ½ T curry powder
1 desert spn mustard
2 T cornflour
Combine tomato and onion in a bowl. Sprinkle over a handful of salt and leave to stand overnight.
Drain off the brine and place the balance in a saucepan. Cover with vinegar and bring to the boil.
Add the chillies and sugar. Mix the curry powder, mustard and cornflour into a paste using a little vinegar.
Add this to the tomato mixture and bring to the boil. Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring constantly.
Bottle while hot into warm bottles.